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  • Writer's pictureAdriel Montejano

My Testimony

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

I was born in April of 1983 in the small town of Hanford, California to parents of Mexican descent. I was a premature baby born three months early and weighing only 2lbs and 12oz and as a result of that I was very weak when I was born which resulted in me dying twice and having to be revived. My dad was upset that I was born and survived as he tried to force my mom to get an abortion several times as he did not want any children to take care of. I had to stay in the hospital for two weeks after I was revived so the doctors can monitor me and make sure everything was ok. After two weeks I was allowed to go home but the doctors told my mom that I was going to be special needs and that she would have to take care of me for the rest of my life. As soon as I got home I was greeted by my grandparents and bragged about all over town as my grandfather had many friends. My grandmother held me tight for as long as she could followed by my great grandmother before giving me a bottle and putting me to sleep. Later that day my grandmother went to check up on me but could not find me anywhere and as the only person home was my dad she went to ask him where I was only to find he was putting me in the dryer and trying to turn it on. My grandmother stopped him and slapped him across the face while shouting at him in Spanish. The rest of my family found out soon after and my dad got in very big trouble by my family. A year later my mom was pregnant again and my dad this time accepted the pregnancy and after my brother was born stayed for five months and left never to be seen again. My mom met another man a year later and they started dating and eventually got married and it was during this time that I was abused physically and sexually by him. After he got arrested my mom found out her marriage was not legal as he was married to another woman and seven months later she met another man who tried to force me to become Mormon and control everything I did. This man would have my mom cook him good meals while forcing me to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches only. After that relationship was over my mom got into gangs and it influenced me to embrace the gang life as well. My mom was arrested shortly after and I was sent to live with my grandparents and my uncle who lived with them and while my grandparents were very nice people my uncle was not and he would verbally and physically abuse me every day while calling me names such as idiot and stupid and yelling at me. Each day living there made me angry, bitter, and full of rage which also lead me deep into depression to the point where I would not talk to anyone because I was afraid. When I got in my teens I was put on probation for damaging a car and I didn't care. I started hanging around satanists and got caught up in doing spells and mocking christians but at the same time I was also into paganism. Two weeks before my 17th birthday my grandfather passed away and I got even angrier but decided to go to church. I started going to the catholic church where I was baptized as a baby and said prayers to Mary, saints, and angels as the church taught only to be told by the catholic priests that I was not truly a catholic and I left shortly after and tried attending many churches but never stayed. It was during this time I attended a church called victory outreach but got made fun of every week by the pastor and I stopped going to church altogether. Soon after my grandmother died and I started drinking to the point I became an alcoholic and even more depressed. I was in several relationships but they did not work out as I was always called racist names and cheated on and in one case almost killed. I tried looking to my family for help but to no avail as my brother made fun of me, my mom rejected me, and I was still verbally abused by my uncle. It got to the point where I said I am done with with this world and decided to end my life but the minute I was going to end it a person who I saw at church in the past invited me to a church they were going to and I rejected it for two weeks before finally going and the night I went I gave my life to Jesus Christ and was baptized a few months later. Today I am still alive, I am an Apostle, and I am still serving Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ saved my life and He can and will do the same for you.

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